Ms. Chantra Jongjamareeseethong

Ms. Chantra Jongjamareeseethong
- Company Secretary
- Secretary of the Good Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee
- Senior Vice President, Office of CEO
Age (Year)
Date and month of appointment as Company Secretary and Secretary of the Good Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee
10th August 2009 (14 Years 5 months) / 25th February 2013 (10 Years 10 month)
Educational Qualifications
- Master Degree of Business Administration, Major in Accounting, Ramkhamhaeng University
- Bachelor Degree of Business Administration, Major in Accounting, Siam University
- Bachelor Degree of Arts, Major in Linguistics, Thammasart University
Training History
- Certificate, Company Secretary Program, Class 28/2008, Thai Institute of Director (IOD)
- Certificate, Effective Minute Taking (EMT), Class 12/2008, Thai Institute of Director (IOD)
- Certificate, The difference that the Revenue Department often examines between PND 50 vs Phor Por, Clause 65 Twi, Clause 65 Tri Course
- Follow up TFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers) Course
- Withholding Tax and Update Tax Law 2019 Course
- Accounting for Financial Instruments Course
- The Updated Land and Buildings Tax Act Course
- Seminar, “Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS) 15,16 and Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants”
- Company Secretary Professional Development Program, Thai Listed Companies Association
- Certificate, Minute Taking Technique, Thai Company Secretary Club, Thai Listed Companies Association
- Seminar, “Preparation of 56-1 One Report on SETLink system”, The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- IPO Focus No 2/2022, The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Training in 2023
- Seminar, “Guidelines for comprehensive human rights due diligence” by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University
- Seminar, “CGR Workshop 1/2023” by Thai Institute of Directors
- Seminar, “CGR Workshop 2/2023” by Thai Institute of Directors
- Seminar, “Roles and duties of directors and executives of listed companies” by the Securities and Exchange Commission
- Seminar, “The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights” by Thai Listed Companies Association
- Seminar, “Preparation of conflict of interest report and non-public information usage policy” by Thai Listed Companies Association
- Seminar, “Intensive tutoring for listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand” by Thai Investors Association
- ASEAN CG Scorecard Coaching by Thai Listed Companies Association and the Securities and Exchange Commission
- Seminar, “Information Disclosure through SET Link system” No. 4/2023 by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Seminar, “Guidelines for ESG disclosure in One Report” by Thai Listed Companies Association
- Seminar, “Technique for preparing invitation letter to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM)” by Thai Listed Companies Association
- Seminar, “The importance of the Audit Committee and confidence in the Thai capital market” by the Securities and Exchange Commission together with the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Federation of Accounting Professions Under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty The King, Thai Institute of Directors, and Thai Listed Companies Association
- Training, “Operational guidelines for sustainable development (ESG Management)” by Dr. Seree Nonthasoot
- Seminar, “Guidelines for preventing corruption” by Prof. Vikorn Rakpuangchon
Working Experience during the Past 5 Years
Listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in GUNKUL Group (1)
2016 - Present
Gunkul Engineering PCL
Senior Vice President, Office of CEO
2013 - Present
Gunkul Engineering PCL
Secretary to the Good Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee
2009 - Present
Gunkul Engineering PCL
Company Secretary
Listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand outside GUNKUL Group
Other group companies/ positions outside GUNKUL Group
Share Holding Percentage as at 31 December 2023
Relationship between Management