Mr. Chanin Chaonirattisai

Mr. Chanin Chaonirattisai

  • Member of the Risk Management Committee (Independent Director)
Age (Year)
Date and month of appointment as Member of the Risk Management Committee
14th May 2024
Educational Qualifications
  • Master of Engineering in Electrical engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
  • Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
Training History
  • Certificate, Capital Market Academy Leadership Program, Class 23, Capital Market Academy
  • Certificate, Director Certification Program (DCP), Class 192/2014, Thai Institute of Director (IOD)
  • Certificate, Financial Statements for Directors (FSD), Thai Institute of Director (IOD)
  • Advanced Certificate Course in Politics and Governance in Democratic Systems for Executives, Class 17, King Prajadhipok's Institute
  • Certificate, Fundamental Conflict Management in Public Policy by Peaceful Means, Class 7, King Prajadhipok's Institute
  • Intermediate Certificate Course in Good Governance for Middle-Level Executives, Class 10, King Prajadhipok's Institute

Training in 2023

  • None
Working Experience during the Past 5 Years

Listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in GUNKUL Group (1)

May 2024 - Present

Gunkul Engineering PCL

Member of the Risk Management Committee (Independent Director) 1)

GUNKUL’s Group


Listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand outside GUNKUL Group

Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

Electricity Generating PCL


Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

Eastern Water Resources Development and Management PCL


Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

Gulf Electric PCL


Other group companies/ positions outside GUNKUL Group (2)

Nov 2022 - Present

Rail Technology Research and Development Agency (Public Organization)

Director conducts cooperation and coordination regarding rail technology

Apr 2021 - Present

Office of the Consumer Protection Board

Board member of the Consumer Complaint Mediation Sub-Committee, Set 5 (Direct sales business and direct marketing), according to order of the Consumer Protection Board on April 7, 2021

Mar 2021 - Mar 2023

National Village and Urban Community Fund Office

Chairman of Information Technology and Digital Sub-committee, according to order of the National Village and Urban Community Fund Office on March 30, 2021

Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

Khanom Electricity Generating Co., Ltd.


Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

EGCO Engineering & Service Co., Ltd.


Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

BLCP Power Co., Ltd.


Oct 2014 - Sept 2015

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

Deputy Governor for Policy and Planning

Oct 2012 - Sept 2016

EGAT International Co., Ltd.


Oct 2012 - Sept 2016

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

Assistant Governor for Transmission System Control

Oct 2011 - Sept 2012

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

Director of Transmission System Control

Oct 2019 - Sept 2011

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

Director of Protection System and Control

Share Holding Percentage as at 14 May 2024
Relationship between Management

1) Appointed as Member of the Risk Management Committee by the resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 3/2024 on 14th May 2024