GKA Received the 3Rs Award and 3Rs+ Award , Department of Industrial Works
G.K. Assembly Company Limited, a manufacturer and distributor of electrical equipment in the company group Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited. realizes the importance of waste management according to the 3Rs principle, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. To promote the recycling and utilization of waste and reduce the amount of waste that must be disposed of by sustainable development guidelines. As well as maximize the use of resources "Zero Waste" in landfills. Participated in the project to increase the efficiency of industrial waste management leading to Zero Waste to Landfill for the year 2023 company received two awards from the Department of Industrial Works, namely the 3Rs Award for good waste management and the 3Rs+ Award for returns. In terms of economics and reducing the amount of waste caused the company to receive the award on July 20, 2023. The company continues to manage waste by following good waste management guidelines from the beginning. Try to minimize the generation of waste at the source. And find ways or ways to utilize waste as much as possible to develop and promote the environmental management system in industrial plants to be sustainable.