Rang Ngern Solution Company Limited (RNS), one of the subsidiaries of GUNKUL group, operates the solar power plants in the capacity of 85 MW located in Phrae, Lampang, Kanchanaburi, Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan. RNS is committed to produce qualified products and to environment and society responsibility, therefore the rules, regulations and management plan for environment will be fully implemented consistently for business operation as follows,

  1. Commit to comply with the related laws and regulations, as well as environment, safety and occupational health standards strictly.
  2. Promote the environmental impact reduce in operation by reducing waste (Reduce), reusing the materials (Reuse) and recycling the materials (Recycle)
  3. Promote the energy and natural resources saving
  4. Commit to live with the community friendly and sustainably by implementing corporate environmental governance and corporate social responsibility for business operation

The aforementioned policy was communicated to staffs in all levels for acknowledgement and was disclosed to concerned external parties in order to inform all to comply with regulations as mandatory requirement and to continuously develop the standards for environment, occupational health and safety.