GUNKUL received certification for greenhouse gas emissions according to ISO 14064-1:2018 standards for the year 2023

Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited and a group of companies Evaluate and prepare a report on the organization's greenhouse gas emissions. Covering the energy business group, engineering and turnkey business group, and high voltage electrical equipment business group by ISO 14064-1:2018, which is a standard for managing, reporting, and verifying accounts of the release and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations. On April 24, 2024, led by Mr.Chaisiri Watthanachannarong, Chief Operating Officer, Engineering and Turnkey Business, and Msr.Areewan Chaloemdan, Chief Operating Officer, High Voltage Equipment Business. Become a representative to receive ISO 14064-1:2018 certification results from the verifier, Bureau Veritas Certification (Thailand), To use the certified results to effectively manage and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by business operations. It is also an important guideline in setting goals. Measures to reduce or compensate for greenhouse gas emissions Showing transparency reliability, and social responsibility, and prepare the organization to aim to become a low-carbon society organization in the long term.