GUNKUL Engineering Public Company Limited has launched various measures to cope with the coronavirus outbreak as it spreads to Thailand. These measures aim to reduce the chain-of-infection and spread of COVID-19 in the organization.

  • GUNKUL has provided recommendations for employees to reduce the risk of infection in the organization.
  • GUNKUL has manufactured fabric face masks for employees.
  • Employees are allowed to work from home during a severe situation to reduce congestion.
  • GUNKUL has provided Coronavirus (COVID-19) insurance for the management and employees.
  • ALL employees, customers, and visitors required to measure temperature before entering the office area.
  • GUNKUL has provided hand sanitizer gel at many spots throughout the office, particularly at the main entrance.
  • GUNKUL has disinfected all surfaces at workplaces, and all surfaces are being cleaned with antiseptic every 1 hour.