GUNKUL donated to support the Queen Sirikit Centre for Breast Cancer (QSCBC) in the “HomePro Fun Walk 2024 Walk To Give…Give For Life” Project

Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited is committed to building good relationships with business partners and allies for the benefit of enhancing good relationships with the company's stakeholders and growing together sustainably. On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the company donated money to the Queen Sirikit Centre for Breast Cancer (QSCBC), King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, and the Thai Red Cross Society from the project "HomePro Fun Walk 2024 Walk To Give...Give For Life" in collaboration with our business partner, Home Product Center Public Company Limited. This is to be a part of sustainable "giving" in delivering good health to society and passing on opportunities to access quality and sustainable disease treatment or prevention. We will use the donated funds to benefit society by purchasing medical equipment and medicines for breast cancer patients. This is to provide patients with access to modern treatment and better and more modern access to breast cancer treatment for Thais and to be committed to developing the quality of people in society by covering sustainable housing and good health.