Gunkul Dhamrongpiyawut, Chairman of the Board of Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited or GUNKUL and Sopacha Dhamrongpiyawut, President of GUNKUL took a picture with Mr. Sarat Rattanaporn (the third from the left), First Executive Vice President of Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited "SCB", Mr. Kozo Ban, Executive Officer and General Manager of International Business Department of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (the second from the right) and Mr.Masafumi Nakashima, General Manager and Group Manager of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (the right) in occasion of signing the Share Purchase Agreement of Gunkul Powergen Co., Ltd. "GPG", the subsidiary of GUNKUL, in the percentage of 49% by joining of Solar Power Plant in the capacity of 30.9 MW. GPG will distribute the electricity to the Provincial Electricity Authority "PEA"