Stakeholder Engagement
The Business Value Chain
The Company is committed to be integrated renewable energy, equipment and electrical system business operator, using modern technology and innovation to develop infrastructure that is strong and sustainable, enhancing the quality of life and good health by involving all stakeholders from upstream to downstream and importantly contribute to the long-term value of the Company. The Company has analyzed the 5 Business Value Chain to indicate the key stakeholders which lead to the expectation analysis and specified the guideline to satisfy the stakeholders expectation of the Company by ensuring efficient business operations and reducing potential risks and building good relationships with stakeholders sustainably. The 9 groups of stakeholders include employees, business partners, customers, competitors, creditors, shareholders and investors, as well as the community, society, and environment, the public sector, the media and other organizations.
Stakeholder Engagement
- Reasonable welfare and remuneration compared with others companies in the same industry.
- Promoting career advancement and working stability.
- Necessary, appropriate and sufficient equipment to facilitate the work.
- Appropriate and fair employee knowledge and skill
- Take care of employees’ health, appropriate and safe working environment.
- Opened for comments, opinions and suggestion.
- Taking care of, maintaining and treating employees at all levels equally.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- Percentage of satisfaction from the corporate engagement survey is not less than 80 percent.
- Employee turnover is lower or same as the previous year.
- Average employees training hours are not less than 9 hours per person per year.
- Employee make progress and enjoy stability in their job.
- Zero accident rate at work.
indicators :
- Satisfaction from corporate engagement.
- Employee turnover rate
- Average employees training hours
- Number of executives and employees who have been promoted.
- Loss-time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR).
Communication channel :
- Employees survey of the needs to provide appropriate courses according to business growth.
- Corporate satisfaction and engagement survey.
- Employees Orientation.
- Team building activities to encourage employee
- Activities of Executive meeting employees.
- Publicize news and activities through social networks, E-mail and Website.
- Form 56-1 One Report and Sustainability Report.
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Communication channel :
- Establish welfare committee.
- Annual remuneration survey for appropriate benefit and welfare.
- Arrange necessary, appropriate and sufficient equipment to facilitate the work and safe working
- Specify the standard guideline for working assessment with concrete, equitably and transparency.
- Specify advance career path.
- Provide / manipulate training course for develop and improve competency in accordance with the employee field and level.
- Promote and build corporate engagement with employees through various activities and projects.
- Annual employee corporate satisfaction and engagement survey.
- Improve and develop opinion and reporting channel.
- Establish Health, Safety and Working Environment Committee.
- Promote working culture with respect of human rights.
Performance Results :
- Percentage of employee satisfaction and commitment to the Company 77.00 percent.
- Employee turnover rate 2.50 increased from 2022 by 0.96 percent.
- Average employee training hours was 8.09 hours per person per year.
- Numbers of promoted employees was 29
- Loss-time injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) from work for more than 3 days was 0.72 percent
- Fair, transparent and accountable procurement and bidding.
- Corporate competency development for sustainable growth on corporate competency development.
- Manage accordance with the contract and agreement.
- Product quality, delivery and full payment on time in accordance with the agreement.
- Continuity in conducting business together
- Exchange knowledge for development of innovation and new way of working procedure.
- Respecting each other’s rights and non-infringement of Intellectual Property.
- Social and environmental responsible procurement.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- Percentage of business partner competency assessment is at very good level.
- 100 percent of key supplier acknowledge in written the Supplier Code of Conduct guideline.
- 100 percent of critical suppliers that have been assessed for sustainability covering economic, social, and environmental issues (ESG)
Indicators :
- Supplier performance and competency assessment is at very good level.
- Number of Critical suppliers who agree in written with the Supplier Code of Conduct
- Number of critical suppliers who have been assessed for sustainability covering economic, social, and environmental issues (ESG)
Communication channel :
- Supplier Assessment Form.
- Supplier Risk Assessment
- Supplier Efficiency Assessment
- Business Meetings or Seminars
- Channels for receiving feedback, including complaints, suggestions and opinions.
- Form 56-1 One Report and Sustainability Report.
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Conducting Supplier Code of Conduct and officially promulgated within the organization, and communicate to business partners.
- Arrange meeting, create a clear understanding and activities with suppliers.
- Knowledge sharing by specialists to develop sustainable growth with supplier.
- Delivery products under specified time, full payment on time with correct and complete that adhere with the contract terms.
- Visit business suppliers and listen to opinions and suggestion.
- Treat business suppliers with equality and fairness.
- Promote Green Procurement with environmental friendly.
- Effective supply chain management to prevent and mitigate risk that impact social and environment.
- Conducting an assessment of key trading partners and assessing supplier risk annually to prepare a relationship development plan with partners.
Performance Results :
- Scores and results of performance evaluations or performance evaluations of suppliers are at a very good level.
- 100 percentage of the key suppliers who enter into contracts that receive communication about the Supplier Code of Conduct.
- 100 percentage of critical suppliers that have been assessed for sustainability covering economic, social, and environmental issues (ESG)
- Products and services with quality and safety standards.
- Delivery of products and services under specified conditions and times.
- Products and service with reasonable price.
- Readiness and speediness in responding to customer needs.
- Providing pre-sales an post-sales such as methods or procedures for using the product, proper consultation, assistance and customers visit.
- Ability so solve problems correctly, appropriately, and in a timely manner.
- Maintain and protecting customers confidential information.
- Efficiency operation meet international standards and not effect to the society, social and environment.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- Percentage of customers satisfaction with products and services are higher than previous year.
Indicators :
- Customers satisfaction survey on goods and services.
Communication channel :
- Channels for receiving feedback including complaints, suggestions, and opinions on the use of goods and services.
- Customers evaluation survey
- Visits, meetings, training / seminars.
- Socially communication
- Form 56-1 One Report and Sustainability Report.
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Provide high-quality, safety, and observable productsand services.
- Inspect and control the production of goods and services to meet international standards.
- Set up a quality assurance system throughout the supply chain from the raw material to the customers’ hand.
- Employee professional training, serving efficiency services to meet with customer’s need.
- Set the price of goods and services at a price that is appropriate with the quality and provide information to customers with transparency.
- Continuously research and develop products with suitable and modern technology and innovation with safety.
- Strictly abide by the agreements given to the customers.
- Increasing appropriate and modern channels to the products and services
- Development of the innovation of renewable energy or clean technology for establishing products and services to prevent and mitigate risk that impact social and environment.
- Promote and support raw materials that environmental friendly.
- Customers satisfaction survey resulted for sustainable development.
- Conducting Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
Performance Results :
- Customer satisfaction with products and services 89.16 percent decreased from 2022 by 0.26 percent.
- Conduct buiness with transparency, honesty, and ethical competition with fairness and comply by law.
- Not infringing on copyright or intellectual property rights.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- No complaints about copyright infringement issues.
Indicators :
- Number of complaints about copyright infringement issues.
Communication channel :
- Business seminars
- Meetings, exchanging opinions and cooperation various agendas.
- Website
- Form 56-1 One Report and Sustainability Report
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Treat competitors fairly, ethical consideration, not infringing on copyright or intellectual property right and comply with the law.
Performance Results :
- There are no number of complaints about copyright or intellectual property infringement issues.
- Fully and timely pay the debt as specified.
- Compliance with conditions and contractual agreements.
- Manage risk in a secure manner to ensure business continuity.
- Manage correctness of the financial information and to publicize to the public.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- Comply with conditions and contractual agreements correctly and completely.
Indicators :
- Comply with conditions and contractual agreements
Communication channel :
- Meeting to mutually clarify terms and conditions.
- Website
- Form 56-1 One Report
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Fully pay the debt as specified.
- Discuss or meeting to achieve mutual conclusion on the terms and conditions.
- Exchange knowledge on risk management and communicate the correct and complete information continuously.
- Publicize transparency and complete information
Performance Results :
- Compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract is 100 percent accurate and complete.
- Effective good corporate governance and risk management.
- Business growth steadily and profitable.
- Return on investment (dividend and share price differential) from good and sustainable operations.
- The operation of the business is successful according to the objectives.
- Respect the fairness and retain equal treatment.
- Disclosure of the Company’s information based on facts, correctness, completeness, transparency and timely decision making.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- The satisfaction survey result for investor activities not less than 00 percent.
Indicators :
- The results of the satisfaction survey for investors activities.
Communication channel :
- Shareholder meeting
- Annual meeting or announcement of business plans and business intentions.
- Website
- Form 56-1 One Report and Sustainability Report
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Operate the business under the principles of good corporate governance and follow the annual business plan.
- Creating sustainable and balance operating results with risk management concisely.
- Creating trust and appropriate highest return on investment.
- Disclosure of business operation and results with transparency and completeness continuously.
Performance Results :
- Survey results of investor relations accounted for 92.63 percent.
- Business operation that friendly to environment and society. Supervise operations not to impact the environment and communities.
- Community participation in developing and creating value together.
- Participating in community development in the economic, social and environmental aspects to develop the quality of life and well-being of communities surrounding factories and power plants.
- Promote knowledge and understanding of the renewable energy and innovation help to manage the resource and environment in the community to the communities.
- Giving priority to safety, impacts on communities and environment.
- Promote and support activities that benefit to the communities.
- Employ persons and building carriers from nearby community.
- Produce a good communication and building a good relationship between the Company and community.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- Percentage of community satisfaction for business operation.
- No complaints from the community and society.
- Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced compared to previous year.
Indicators :
- The results of the community satisfaction.
- Number of complaints from community and society.
- The amount of the carbon dioxide emissions.
Communication channel :
- Survey of community satisfaction with the Company’s operations
- Visit the Communities
- Channels for receiving feedback including complaints, suggestions, and opinions.
- Website
- Form 56-1 One Report
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Establish Company’s sustainability development working group and sub-working groups.
- Publicize the information and understanding of business processes, technology, and innovation, as well as other knowledge that is valuable to society through the website, activity organizing, and other channels.
- Innovation and clean technology development to reduce the effect to the community and environment.
- Assessing the community impact before and after conducting business operations with environment responsibility and biodiversity.
- Onsite survey for opinions, suggestion and monitor on the effect to the community regularly.
- Carry out social projects and activities.
- Support and promote the activity with the community.
- Manage resource from the upstream to reduce the amount of waste that effect to the society and environment.
- Zero waste Applying the 8R guidelines for maximum benefit of using resource to reduce waste leading to Net Zero waste.
- Arrange channel for receiving feedback, including complaints, suggestions and comments.
- Promote an environmentally responsible operating culture, energy saving and reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the organization.
Performance Results :
- Community Satisfaction on the operation of the business accounted for 83.66 percent.
- There are no any complaints from the society or community.
- Amount of greenhouse gas emissions of the organization in the head office, Energy Business, and Engineering and Turnkey Business was 6,674 tCO2e, increased from 2022 by 22.57 percent. And the amount of greenhouse gas emissions of the organization including the head office and 3 business groups equal to 13,634 tCO2e.
- Operate in accordance with relevant laws and
- Promote the good corporate governance comply with the business ethics.
- Anti-Benefit and Corruption Claims.
- Payment of taxes and fees in full and in timely
- Cooperation and support in various fileds
- Manage claims efficiency.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- Comply with regulations of the public sector.
- Promote and participate public sector activities.
Indicators :
- Activities incorporated with public sectors.
Communication channel :
- Visits, meetings, trainings / seminars.
- Verification and inspect following the standards.
- Arrange activities incorporated with public sectors.
- Form 56-1 One Report
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Responding Framework :
- Operate business under good corporate governance and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
- Disclose information with transparency and regularly.
- Join the anti-corruption network.
- Carry out tax matters according to relevant laws and
- Cooperate and support activities and operations at the national level.
Performance Results :
- Participated in the Increase Efficiency in Industrial Waste Management leads to Zero Waste to Landfill of the year 2023 of the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry.
- Participated in the Human Rights Model Scheme of the year 2023 of the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, Ministry of Justice.
- Communicate corporate news with accuracy, timely, timely manner and neutrality and benefit to the society.
- Operate business with responsibility to economy, society and environment.
- Participate and have good relationship with media and other organizations.
Goals, indicators, and communication channels
Goals :
- The news presented internally in an accurate, timely, and timely manner.
Indicators :
- Amount of information presented with the Company with completely and up to date.
Communication channel :
- Annual General Meeting of Shareholders or announcement of business plan and intentions and activities on listed companies meeting with investors (Opportunity Day).
- Channels for receiving feedback including complaints, suggestions and comments.
- Website
- Form 56-1 One Report
Responding to Stakeholders Expectations
Communication channel :
- Submit actual and natural operational information regularly after completion of operation.
- Submit information that is helpful to society or general public as well as establish working group and sub-working groups for organizational development toward sustainability.
- Publicize the information and understanding of business processes, technology, and innovation, as well as other knowledge that is valuable to society through website, activities organizing, and other channels.
Communication channel :
- Providing complete and up-to-date Company’s information at the level of 90.32 percent.